Voters in California decided on November 8 last year to legalize recreational marijuana. Many ballot casters voting in favor may not know that it will only come into effect in January next year, which is when both new and pre-existing collectives and dispensaries will be able to acquire licenses to sell cannabis to adults recreationally. By anticipating patronage growth and preparing for impending legislative changes, many retailers are making the required compliance adjustments in advance;…
"California Considers the Benefits of Marijuana Consumption Lounges"Tag: marijuana online
Many supporting the state referendum to initiate a constitutional convention cite as motive an opportunity to implement term limits, eliminate gerrymandered districts, and remove incumbent finance laws. Other supporters are claiming a very different reason for voting yes, simply wanting marijuana legal in the state of New York. Frustrated by the inability to win Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo to the legalization cause, these advocates now see a convention of delegates gathering to consider adjusting…
"Cannabis Advocates Lobby for Constitutional Convention"Everyone knows that weed is ideal for putting people to sleep. Indica varieties in particular are highly effective at quieting the mind and sending people off to a deep slumber. But aside from simply easing insomnia and a number of other conditions, weed actually has a number of other effects on sleep. Recent research on sleep and marijuana explains some of the effects as well as why marijuana affects sleep the way that it does.…
"How does Consuming Weed Affect your Sleep?"In Boston, 3 out of the 5 members of the new Cannabis Control Commission have stated that they have tried the drug which they are now regulating, and the other two members declined to comment. The three commissioners who admitted to using marijuana were Chairman Steve Hoffman, attorney Britte McBride and former deputy general counsel to the Department of Public Health Kay Doyle. Commissioners Jen Flanagan and Shaleen Title declined to give an answer, which…
"3 of 5 Pot Commissioners say they’ve tried Marijuana"